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ADS-6000D Atherosclerosis Detector

Atherosclerosis Detector


  To measure the artery health by detecting the main authority parameters(PWV , ABI, ASI CI, C2) in a precise, fast and covenient way and get the arterial elasticty index by detecting the typical pulse of human body.


  To measure the artery health by detecting the main authority parameters(PWV , ABI, ASI CI, C2) in a precise, fast and covenient way and get the arterial elasticty index by detecting the typical pulse of human body.


  To measure the artery health by detecting the main authority parameters(PWV , ABI, ASI CI, C2) in a precise, fast and covenient way and get the arterial elasticty index by detecting the typical pulse of human body.


Sales Hotline13775993545



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